Thursday, June 26, 2008

Come to the dark side...

So before the plague decended upon our house this week ( the hubby and I have been sick for the past 2 days) I got a few pics of Jack playing in a super cute new shirt.

Isn't he the cutest?? Love him so!

**Jack's mama**

Pictures from this weekend's storm

Very cool hail... sounds horrible but didn't do any damage to anything at our place. I did get some great pictures!

Some of it was quite large.

My poor basil took a beating.

Jack stared out the sliding glass doors the whole time. I think he enjoyed watching it!

-Jack's mama

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Jack ate great all day yesterday! It was wonderful... no fussing, no quarreling, no crying and Jack didn't cry either! I think I am beginning to get this whole parenting thing.

That is all.

Jack's mama

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Now for the big news....

Wait for it......

You will be shocked......




I really want to cry!! My baby before...

My baby after...

He looks like a big boy now!!

It was time for the hair to get out of his eyes. His first cut was a mama cut but when I get a little more prepared I will take him to the local place to get a cool surfer style do. My baby is now a officially a toddler now. (sigh)

Fun with Jack and Reagan

We had friends over for dinner and the kids really enjoy playing together. I was hoping they would get to play outside with some of Jack's new toys. But there was a huge thunderstorm in the afternoon and everything was still soaking wet after dinner. Jack and Reagan had a great time playing inside on the new slide last night! They were so tired after all that playing or at least Jack was. He crashed hard after they left. But they kept sliding over and over and OVER again!

So you get the idea... they had a great time and Jack slept great last night!! WOOHOO!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Well hello Jack!

So I got Jack this fancy school bus playtent thing. He seems to enjoying playing with it. He throws toys through the windows and skylights (didn't I mention it was fancy school bus) and then goes in the side door and out the back. He repeats about 100 times. So I got a few cute pics of him and the playtent tonight...

So I am going about uploading the pics and found the above gems. Then the next picture pops up and .... well let me tell you... I had to LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!

Please enjoy this picture because I sure did!!




See I knew you would love it!!


Jack's Mama

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2nd post... look at me go!!!

Well I am truly on a roll now. This isn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. This is pretty easy to keep up with.

So Jack's new thing is singing. He sings to Mickey Mouse, regular TV, the car radio and then just to himself. Tonight while the hubby and I were eating dinner and Jack was rearranging my Tupperware cabinet, I started to notice a sound. So I perked up my ears and listened to my sweet child singing while he worked. It was adorable!! I have no idea what he was singing about or what tune it was, but it was fabulous. I will try to get video tomorrow but for tonight I will post a cute picture for you!! One of my recent favorites!!


Monday, June 16, 2008


So I have decided to become a sheep. My mother in law (MIL) told me today that she had not seen a certain picture of Jack and I had to say, "Yeah I haven't been good about sending new pics." In my defense, the pictures from my new camera are really big files and I can only send like 4 at a time (it is a nice problem to have... trust me I love my new camera). I am hoping this will really help me get more pictures out there to the people who want to see them. And also help everyone stay up to date with the Jack man.

I hope you all will enjoy the blog... Let me know if you want to see anything special.

Lots of love to you all!!
Jack's Mama